Arduino Nano 33 IOT with Header ABX00032
اردوينو نانو 33 IOT مع رأس ABX00032 السعر الأصلي هو: 1,500.00 EGP.السعر الحالي هو: 1,230.00 EGP.

حمض محلول النقش، كلوريد الحديديك (سداسي هيدرات) 125 مل

35.00 جنية

حمض محلول النقش 125 مل

رمز المنتج: Etching Acid Black 125mL (Ferric Chloride-Hexahydrate) التصنيفات: , الوسوم: , , , , , ,

حمض محلول النقش، كلوريد الحديديك (سداسي هيدرات) 125 مل

The solution is suitable for etching (PCB) which can be used in the industry, making engineering projects and tech prototypes. the solution is safe and suitable for using in the laboratory or at home, by following simple tech steps to etch one or more (PCBs) so it saves time and cost.

  • Fast etching.
  • Soft and evenly etching.
  • High-accurate etching.
  • Compatible with photoresist PCB.
  • It’s ideal for FR4 boards.
  • 125mL is enough for copper etching a pure (PCB) up to 600 square centimeters in (10) minutes at room temperature.
  • Manufacturing of electrical & electronic boards and photoresist PCB.
  • Arts of copper etching.
Usage Recommendations (very important):
  • Prepare a suitable plastic container for (PCB) size.
  • Put your (PCB) in the container (the copper area is up & it should be quite shiny and oxide-free).
  • Pour a small amount of the solution until the (PCB) is fully covered (No need to heat the solution and no need to dilute with water).
  • Wait a few minutes (10min).
  • Rinse well with water after etching.

Note: If the etching solution is warm, the etching will be fast, to warm the solution, place the bottle in warm water at a temperature of 35 to 40 Celsius for a short period, by following the safety precautions and don’t put the solution on direct heat.

Safety Precautions:
  • Wearing plastic gloves is recommended when using.
  • Perform the process in a well-ventilated area.
  • Don’t breathe reaction gas.
  • Keep the bottle tightly closed after using it & keep it away from children.
  • Use enough water when eyes or wounds are touched.

The solution is a dark brown liquid, packaged in a plastic bottle – net capacity 125mL.

ضمان 14 يومًا

يتمتع هذا المنتج بضمان قياسي لمدة 14 يومًا من وقت التسليم ضد عيوب التصنيع فقط. يتم تقديم هذا الضمان لصالح عملاء Micro Ohm ضد أي نوع من عيوب التصنيع. سيتم الاستبدال ضد عيوب التصنيع.

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