شاحن بطارية عالمي 2 خلية MP السعر الأصلي هو: 180.00 EGP.السعر الحالي هو: 140.00 EGP.

7915 منظم الجهد

12.00 جنية

رمز المنتج: Reg_7915 التصنيفات: ,

7915 منظم الجهد

7915 & 7900 series of three-terminal negative regulators is useful in a wide range of applications.
These regulators can provide local on-card regulation, eliminating the distribution problems associated with single point regulation;
Furthermore, having the same voltage option as the L7800 positive standard series, they are
Particularly suited for split power supplies.
If adequate heat sinking is provided, they can deliver over 1.5A output current.
Although designed primarily as fixed voltage regulators.
These devices can be used with external components to obtain adjustable voltages and currents.

7915 Features :

  1. Output current in excess of 1A
  2. Output voltage of -15V
  3. Internal thermal overload protection
  4. Output transition Safe-Area compensation
  5. Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust device performance and reliable operation

Electrical Characteristics :

Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature.
Changes in VO due to heating effects must be taken into account separately.
We use pulse testing with low duty cycle.

 7915 as -15V Voltage Regulator :

  1. To specify an output voltage, substitute voltage value for “XX”.
  2. Required for stability. For value given, capacitor must be solid tantalum.
    If you use aluminum electrolytic, at least ten times value should be selected.
    C1 is required if regulator is located an appreciable distance from power supply filter.
  1. To improve transient response.
    If you use large capacitors, a high current diode from input to output (1N4001 or similar) should be introduced to protect the device from momentary input short circuit

المستندات والملفات :

7915-Datasheet : انقر هنا

ضمان 14 يومًا

يتمتع هذا المنتج بضمان قياسي لمدة 14 يومًا من وقت التسليم ضد عيوب التصنيع فقط. يتم تقديم هذا الضمان لصالح عملاء Micro Ohm ضد أي نوع من عيوب التصنيع. سيتم الاستبدال ضد عيوب التصنيع.

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