USB ASP AVR ATMEL USBasp Programmer for ATMEL Processors
USB ASP AVR ATMEL مبرمج USBasp لمعالجات ATMEL السعر الأصلي هو: 175.00 EGP.السعر الحالي هو: 160.00 EGP.

مستشعر الرطوبة ودرجة الحرارة الأساسي DHT11

السعر الأصلي هو: 70.00 EGP.السعر الحالي هو: 55.00 EGP.

مستشعر الرطوبة ودرجة الحرارة الأساسي DHT11


The DHT11 is a basic digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the surrounding air, and spits out a digital signal on the data pin (no analog input pins needed). Its fairly simple to use, but requires careful timing to grab data. The only real downside of this sensor is you can only get new data from it once every 2 seconds, so when using our library, sensor readings can be up to 2 seconds old.


  • Supply Voltage: DC 3.5 – 5.5V
  • Output Signal: digital signal via single-bus
  • Operating Range and Accuracy (Humidity): 20-80% RH; /-5% RH
  • Operating Range and Accuracy (Temperature): 0 to 50 C; /-2% C
  • Average Sending Period: 2 seconds
  • Dimensions (excluding pins): 12.6mm?length x 5.83mm width x 16mm height
  • Weight: 2.4g (0.08oz)

Compared to the DHT22, this sensor is less precise, less accurate and works in a smaller range of temperature/humidity, but its smaller and less expensive

A 4.7K or 10K resistor is required, for use as a pullup from the data pin to VCC.


Below is an Arduino?example sketch to connect and display temperature in 16 x 02 LCD display:

Connect DATA pin to Arduino analog A0-pin
#include <Wire.h> // builtin library
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> // builtin library
LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7); // sainsmart 1602 lcd
#include <dht11.h> // download this from
dht11 DHT;
void setup(){
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
void loop(){;
  lcd.print(DHT.temperature); // Celsius output
  delay(1000); // DHT11 can't poll faster than 1x a second

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