Showing 141–160 of 162 results


MPU-6050 3-Axis Accelerometer and Gyro Sensor GY-521

Shaft Rotary Encoder Sensor

TCRT5000 Single Channel Line Tracking Sensor Module 3 pin

Sound Detection Sensor Module 3pin

IR Flame Sensor Module 4 pin

HC-SR04-Ultrasonic Range Finder Sensor

12mm GL12528 Light Sensitive Photoresistor LDR 1PCS

Electret Microphone 9*5mm

Infrared Obstacle Avoidance IR Sensor Module (Active Low)

5mm 940nm Infrared Receiver LED IR Diode LED

Ultrasonic Holder Mounting Bracket Case Acrylic For HC-SR04

Ultrasonic Sensor Mounting Bracket For HC-SR04 Transperant

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